Oh Those Cheeky BBA Monkeys, Part 3
The folks over at BBA are feigning righteous indignation over the Conservatives’ new environmental plan. Note to the BBA: where is your post bemoaning Gary Doer’s inaction in regulating temporary asphalt plants?
From the CBC Website:
A loophole in provincial conservation laws allows the plant at the corner of Highway 6 and the Perimeter Highway to operate without any pollution controls.
The plant is operated by a private company under contract to the provincial infrastructure department. Residents and commuters say they worry about the health and environmental effects of the smoke.
CBC News had reported that a loophole in provincial laws has exempted the plant from any pollution controls, since it does not run year-round and it is located outside the city. But Struthers said Friday that should not be an excuse.
If the NDP is adamant about protecting the environment, how’s about focusing on the things THEY can change without waiting for the press to expose it first? Right now, the NDP environmental mantra seems to be “fix things only when cornered like rats.”
I must admit that although I do not tend to agree with the BBA folks on many issues, they are extremely adept at coming up with names and titles. Rona – The How Not-To Person? Hugh McFading? These are too clever. When the NDP finally does leave office in the next election (or the one after that - who says Gary can't bat another one out of the park?) any ad company would be foolish not to enlist the aid of the Orange Blogging Brigade.
Motivational Tunes:
Sisters of Mercy – Marian (version)
The Jesus and Mary Chain – Tower of Song
Electronic – Get the Message
Soundgarden – Hands All Over
Yup Unapologetic,
The asphalt plant screw up is a fair beef. But so is the BBA critique of the fed conservative environment plan, IMHO.
Think I recall reading Peston Manning's address to the Alberta Conservative convention not long ago where he said if he had to choose a horse to ride, he'd take the dark one in the corner with the green saddle.
Preston's got it right, but the Harper govt doesn't IMHO. Any more than they've got it right on the Wheat Board, but that's another story. Lett's post covers it pretty well.
Curtis has a very balanced story on the NDP govt's environmental policy according to the assessment provided by the Suzuki folks. There's reason for optimism I guess, but the province's greenhouse gas emissions are still on the rise.
While the Free Press crime reporter shills cruises on his blog, the Black Rod boldly points out.... the obvious.
Uncle Joe:
People are watching Ambrose/Harper closely so I can only hope there is substance to their action plan. I am amazed how people in general are unwilling to make the small choices that help out - remember Procter & Gamble's environmental packaging that used less plastic as long as you reused the initial container? It's a lot harder finding those products now. To most people, Earth Day is a one day initiative.
I'm not one of those radicals that thinks we all have to go back to the heady days of caveman scavenging but I would like to see pollution stats trending downwards...
I too read that post with a lot of interest - there's a reason the Black Rod is at the top of the Manitoba blog heap. If you are going to take up said reporter on his cruise offer, don't forget to park your car somewhere safe and get an immobilizer first!
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