Wednesday, August 02, 2006

“I’d rather be 1-5…”

“…Than from Winnipeg”? This little witticism is courtesy of the Hamilton Spectator – that paper nobody wants to keep (it was sold three times in the late ‘90’s). Sadly this can only be expected from that half-wit cousin to the Liberal Rag aka The Toronto Star.

If this is how the Spectator must create a buzz for the Ti-cats, it goes a long way in helping us to finally understand the mindset of the fine folks who kept foisting Sheila Copps on the Canadian electorate. You remember her – that intellectual heavyweight MP who could barely be trusted with the Heritage portfolio – flag flaps and all. You KNOW you’re in trouble when Chretien views YOU as damaged goods. Up to this point, I simply thought the mullet-haired Hamilton East constituents, seeing “Copps” on the ballot, were voting for their favourite TV show.

The biggest irony is that Hamilton is the loneliest stretch of road on the QEW when you are heading from Toronto to Niagara Falls. Hamilton does have it’s nice areas such as Ancaster and the escarpment, but a glance at Hamilton’s harbour when you are barreling down the Burlington Skyway is sickly reminiscent of the brutal shape the bathroom was in when you were still at that frat party at 3:00 a.m. during your college years.

Give me Winnipeg over Hamilton any day. And our football team doesn’t suck either…


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