Sunday, August 13, 2006

Way to Go Dave!

Thus far, the few businesses that have opted to embrace the Spirited Energy campaign have done so rather reticently unless they had a hand in its creation. My eyes naturally started rolling when I first saw Dave Angus’ latest editorial in today’s Winnipeg Sun.

The first few paragraphs start predictably enough with the “it’s here like it or not so let’s just accept it” rhetoric. As the piece progresses, it becomes more compelling. Angus proceeds to put a reverse onus back on the provincial government to make us believers in the campaign:

‘"Spirited Energy" is more about our future than our past, and the province must take aggressive action to ensure they are creating an environment consistent with the brand.’

Instead of mindlessly asking us to buy into Spirited Energy, he asks the NDP to show us the money. If we are to buy into the branding strategy, the provincial government must reciprocate by fostering the requisite economic conditions. Dave Angus is to be commended for treating Winnipeggers and Manitobans with more respect than others before him. Now, if we could only get other special interest groups to follow his lead…


At 5:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May eyes started to roll too, right from the first sentence.

"As the new branding strategy for Manitoba continues to be unveiled and the public begins to weigh in and hopefully participate, the ownership of the strategy transfers to the public."

Let's review. The entire rebranding package was as a result of a sub comittee of the Premiere's Economic Advisory Committee.

IOW ownership of the work product has always belonged to the public (taxpayers), as does everything performed by any committee struck by government.

It's been publicly admited that the branding campaign swallowed up somewhere between $1.6 to $1.9 million in tax payer funds along with $0.5 million from business.

While I appreciate the 25% that business threw into the pot, it certainly doesn't give them "ownership" of anything particularly when it hasn't been made clear if that money was contributed by government on behalf of business as some form of developmental grant.

While I appreciate Mr. Angus and the Chamber's gesture, it's a gift of something that the Manitoban public already owns regardless if they like it or not.

At 5:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My eyes started to roll too, right from the first sentence.

"As the new branding strategy for Manitoba continues to be unveiled and the public begins to weigh in and hopefully participate, the ownership of the strategy transfers to the public."

Let's review. The entire rebranding package was as a result of a sub comittee of the Premiere's Economic Advisory Committee.

IOW ownership of the work product has always belonged to the public (taxpayers), as does everything performed by any committee struck by government.

It's been publicly admited that the branding campaign swallowed up somewhere between $1.6 to $1.9 million in tax payer funds along with $0.5 million from business.

While I appreciate the 25% that business threw into the pot, it certainly doesn't give them "ownership" of anything particularly when it hasn't been made clear if that money was contributed by government on behalf of business as some form of developmental grant.

While I appreciate Mr. Angus and the Chamber's gesture, it's a gift of something that the Manitoban public already owns regardless if they like it or not.

At 7:16 AM, Blogger Unapologetic Ex-Winnipegger said...

When I read that sentence I thought he was referring to the Province of Manitoba. I do agree with you that as "shareholders" in the Manitoba government, this campaign was owned largely by the public from the outset.

Angus has nonetheless raised the bar and earned my respect for thus far being the only member of the Committee not expecting the public to blindly buy in to the Spirited Energy campaign.

At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love fat black women. Could you post more pictures.

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Unapologetic Ex-Winnipegger said...

Sigh - thanks for adding to conversation...

At 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I can respect that you think he's raised the bar, but it doesn't change my belief that if the whole 'spirited energy' re-branding campaign had been widely accepted by the public and business that DOER would be all it like flies on the contents of an outhouse pit.

The fact he isn't says there's no more government money coming at the project, it's been declared a white elephant, and he's only too happy to let the boys in the Chamber have it.

The Chamber ego's don't like that because they have no intention of pumping money into it, and are now setting the stage to flog it to the City for funding from their buddy Sam who intends to use it to make it look like he's doing something.

You do know the Chamber was beating this drum down at City Hall before they snagged Doer into it don't you?

At 7:21 AM, Blogger Unapologetic Ex-Winnipegger said...

Was there anything in the press on that last part? I always thought this gaffe was the brain child of the NDP. In yet another case of intellectual contempt, they did after all send out that fluff-piece newsletter/brochure to ex-Manitobans begging them to come back...

At 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The re-branding and "Selling Winnipeg to the world" are all part of the same thing.


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