Wednesday, December 06, 2006


What do you get when you meld the best of the Manitoba blogosphere with the MSM? The Great Canadian Talk Show hosted by Marty Gold, natch. This show is free of the rampant political correctness that has effectively neutered most of the local MSM’s analysis. You won’t find quaint city of Winnipeg pictorials that are launched in an effort to combat negative public perceptions of downtown. You will, however, find someone willing to honestly say that people are scared to frequent the core area and something needs to be done. Three muggings at the HSC are a problem and a “feel good” Freep photo spread won’t abate these concerns. Unlike the Freep, whose photo campaign lasted all of one day, Marty actually goes to the pains of revisiting issues with follow-ups and updates.

I must admit that an anonymous post on Andy’s blog piqued my curiosity and compelled me to tune in. Now I find myself planning my work day around the best hour on radio.

To top it off, the program also got me listening to the playlist for 92.9 FM. Many local stations play Radar Love (a song I have heard about three times a day for the past few decades – somebody needs to tell programming directors that Golden Earring has more than ONE single) but KICK FM is not one of them. Placebo, Depeche Mode, Jane’s Addiction and the brainy yet ballsy Why (Brian Cook has easily bested many of his influences) are only some of the artists that you will find on this section of the dial.

The breath of fresh airwaves is a pleasant thing indeed...

Motivational Tunes:
Revolting Cocks – Cattle Grind
Dream Theater – The Big Medley
Monaco - Shine
Golden Earring – The Devil Made Me Do It (there’s more to this band than Radar Love!)


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