Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Reversal of Misfortune

A few short years ago, Nintendo was considered way behind the mighty Sony and Microsoft.  A product called the DS helped to change all of that.  The Manitoba Tories have enlisted their own DS, Doug Schweitzer, to reverse many years of their own anemic fortunes.


Having shared many strategic discussions with Doug, it is my heartfelt belief the party is finally well on its way to showing the NDP the door in the next election.  Many of the operational deficiencies plaguing the party are about to become a painful distant memory.


While NDP bloggers such as Just Damn Stupid, Tooxs and others have been ever so gracious in victory (I am aware I lost the election but thank you for the persistent reminders as part of your diatribes), I long for the day where we see the true test of their mettle – in defeat.  With Doug at the helm at 23 Kennedy, those days are likely only an election away.


Congrats on the new gig Doug!