Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Beating Peter to Punish Paul

A little while back, I had a few musings on the increasingly political undertakings of the Winnipeg Humane Society. It would seem the WHS isn’t the only chapter engaged in such antics. Apparently, the Humane Society of the United States has called for a boycott of Canadian seafood in protest of the seal hunt. They have even managed to get everyone’s favourite alcoholic, Jimmy Buffett on board.

While the HSUS has the right to call attention to the seal hunt, I don’t understand why they feel the need to punish other seafood fishermen in the process. What say does a crab or lobster fisherman have in all this? Hasn’t our cherished East Coast suffered enough?

So this weekend, if you find yourself dining out (in between Christmas visits), do our beleaguered East and West coast neighbours a favour and throw some seafood into your dietary regimen. And if Vicki Burns is seated next to you, ask her to do the same…


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