Sunday, December 24, 2006

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Sunday’s Free Press seems to be full of holiday cheer. On top of all of the articles on Christmas, Paul Samyn and Gordon Sinclair Jr.’s pieces cap off Christmas Eve on a high note.

While I have been critical of some of Samyn’s writings in the past, he wrote a really good article on Stephen Harper’s willingness to mention the word “Christmas” in holiday greetings. Yes, even as an agnostic, I do say “Merry Christmas” and no, it does not offend me when others wish me the same. I take offence when people try to turn the holidays into some politically correct mess. While our household may not celebrate Christmas in an overtly religious sense, we do see it as an opportunity to surround ourselves with cherished family and friends. As such, Christmas is a special day regardless of one’s religious leanings.

Gordon Sinclair Jr. does a great job making the case for renaming Winnipeg International Airport by showing the storied history of the remarkable James A. Richardson. After reading it, the only question one must wrestle with is why this wasn’t done sooner. While many know the gist of the Richardson family’s involvement in both Winnipeg and aviation history, it was nice to see a well researched piece elaborating on same. The Richardsons have done so much for our great city, sometimes I think they are taken for granted by their fellow citizens.

Merry Christmas everyone – may you spend the next few days surrounded by those who make the occasion special.


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