10 Things I Love About Winnipeg & Manitoba
10) There is an active Over the Counter market for coupons.
9) We all have at least one embarrassing story to tell about the time we imbibed too much at a Canad Inns watering hole.
8) We think the Right to Bear Arms is the ability to finally wear a t-shirt after a long winter.
7) Everyone knows who Dancing Gabe is.
6) Two words: Garlic Sausage.
5) The guy driving the 15 year old Volvo station wagon next to you is richer than 75% of the finance whizzes toiling away on Bay and/or Wall Street. Unless you are his banker or accountant, you will never know.
4) We understand the sheer genius of The Phantom of the Paradise.
3) We get to our cabins and campsites in the same time it takes a Torontonian to get to the 401.
2) Your high school reunion is always just one social away.
1) No matter how drunk you are, you can always order a pizza provided that you have the motor skills required to a) pick up a phone and b) press the same button 7 times.
"6) Two words: Garlic Sausage."
It's actually one word, 'kobassa', best purchased from Tenderloin Meats on Main, early in the morning when it's still fresh and hot.
Highly recommended.
Funny you should mention that - in #6 I was initially going to name Winnipeg Old Country Sausage but then Tenderloin and all the other great places sprang to mind as well. You just can't get good sausage anywhere else like you can here in the 'Peg.
To steal from that local ad, "A man travels the world to find what he's looking for at home." Truer words were never spoken when it comes to garlic sausage/kobassa. Halifax may have its donairs, Montreal may have its smoked meat, Alberta may have its beef but Winnipeg rules the roost when it comes to the greatest comfort food ever made...
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